Book Of ERIS

Book Of ERIS Task
Assigned to:ron_oxymo


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00001 2017/12/21 17:03 Ron Oxymo THE BOOK OF ERIS By ERIS KALLISTI DISCORDIA Goddess of Chaos and Mother of us All In which the GODDESS explains everything to no one in particular. This being a Holy Discordian Bible, One of Five predicted by Malcalypse the Younger being an Advanced Course into The Erisian Mysterees WHICH IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING
00002 2017/12/21 17:19 THE REVELATION OF ST. VERTHAINE THE GOTH And lo, there I was, decked out in my finest gothic and leather clothing, sipping a White Russian at the bar of my favourite goth club, and contemplating the sad state of the world. I lit up a clove and turned to watch the leatherboys, gothchicks, and vampyre wannabees do bad Tai Chi on the dance floor. All of a sudden everything froze, but only I and the music was still active. A beautiful woman in black leather and rainbow colored hair appeared on the …
00003 2017/12/21 17:34 Discordianism/Erisianism St. Hugh, KSC, KNS „If religion is the opiate of the masses, then Discordianism is the alcohol, caffeine, and something-or-other of the lunatic fringe.“ -Somebody Important at Some Point Anyone familiar with the Discordians knows the difficulties inherent in describing a vibrant aspect of Paganism that claims to
00004 2017/12/21 17:38 Monkey Mafia/Cabal which started in Chicago but claims to have members in LA, Paris, and Seattle. There are many other groups, too numerous to list here. (Please refer to the list of website links below. ) The organization of the groups within the Discordian Society (or without, as some groups will no doubt claim) is decentralized. Usually people will either join a pre-existing cabal, or if Eris decides to give new revelations, will start their own cabal. Within cabals there is usually an 'epis…
00005 2017/12/21 17:49 „I have come to tell you that you are free. Many ages ago, My consciousness left humanity, that they might develop themselves. I return to find this development approaching completion, but hindered by fear and by misunderstanding. You have built for yourselves psychic suits of armor, and clad in them, your vision is restricted, your movements are clumsy and painful, your skin is bruised, and your spirit is broiled in the sun. I am chaos. I am the substance from which your artists and scientists …
00006 2017/12/21 17:56 Principia Discordia includes some of the more well known rituals. One practice that may be of interest to magical operators is the use of laughter in banishing. In terms of conduct, Discordians adhere to the Chaoist idea that 'nothing is true and everything is permissible.' It sounds like a blanket endorsement for any sort of behavior. Even so, it is said that some religions preach love, compassion, law, and forgiveness but result in hatred, disorder and destruction. Discordianism preaches chao…
00007 2018/06/08 16:25 Special holidays occur. Apostle Holydays, named after the five legendary Erisian apostles, occur on the fifth day of each season. So we have Mungday, Mojoday, Syaday, Zaraday, and Maladay. On each one of these days, Discordians celebrate the aspects of the apostle who most embodied that season. On the 50th day of each season, there are holydays which celebrate the aspects of the season itself - Chaoflux, Discoflux, Confuflux, Bureflux, and Afflux. Each cabal tends to celebrate the holydays in di…
00008 2019/12/28 16:48 Ron Oxymo The impressively and self-named Malaclypse the Younger (or Mal-2) is really Greg Hill and the equally impressively and also self-named Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst is really Kerry Thornley. Both had little better to do around 1958 than to have a good old whinge and gripe at any and all established establishments and they were both in agreement that everything, and they meant everything, was a just an unhappy mixture of controlled chaos and falsely imposed order.
00009 2019/12/28 16:56 Which is a fact so obvious that it seems to have escaped the attention of even the brightest and best of the controllers and policy makers whose job it is to contain all that chaos. But it hasn't escaped the Discordians. Real reality, say the Discordians, goes deeper that a subjective view of the world through a one small window of perception.
00010 2019/12/28 17:15 The HODGE AND THE PODGE The Taoists have their Yin and their Yang. The Christians have their Good and their Evil. The Libertarians have their Rich and their Poor. And the Discordians have their Hodge and their Podge. The Hodge and Podge are the two sides of the Universe: the Hodge being chaotic and Eristic, and the Podge being orderly and Aneristic. They are represented in the Sacred Chao, in which a pentagon signifies the Podge and a Golden Apple the Hodge, and are in constant turmoil; altho…
00011 2019/12/28 17:34 Because of the inherent balance in the Sacred Chao, there is a sort of built-in defense mechanism - The Law of Eristic Escalation. The law of Eristic Escalation is: IMPOSITION OF ORDER=ESCALATION OF CHAOS For example, if the government were to ban all opinions other than officially sanctioned ones, an obvious attempt to impose order, the result would be massive riots (chaos). Most people, blissfully unaware of this law, attempt to impose order anyway, with comical results. The most dedicated, …
00012 2019/12/28 18:01 THE 5 STEPS TO DIVINITY 1:REALIZATION-Before one can truly be divine one must REALIZE that YOU are, and that WE are all divine. 2:UNDERSTANDING-Once REALIZATION has taken place, one must UNDERSTAND what it means to be DIVINE. To answer that one must look long and hard within.