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Professor Cramulus

Dieser Artikel würde sich sicher über Inhalt freuen. Zumindest, soweit ich die Psychologie von Artikeln beurteilen kann.

Professor Cramulus, auch einfach nur „Prof. Cramulus“ oder „Cramulus“ genannt, ist einer bekanntesten zeitgenössischen Diskordianer und ein aktiver Aktivitist aus… New York? Er ist langjähriges, hochaktives Mitglied der diskordischen Online-Gemeinde (insbesondere PD.com und #discord) und hat zahlreiche Online- und Offline-Gruppen und -Projekte mitbegründet, so z.B. The Fractal Cult und evtl. gleich mehrere Diskordianismusgruppen auf Fratzenbuch. Zu den bekannteren Werken, an denen er mittlerweile mutmaßlich maßgeblich mitgewirkt macht hat, gehören The Black Iron Prison, das Chao Te Ching, die Et Cetera Discordia, die PosterGASM-Serie und diverse Ausgaben des Intermittens-Magazins. In seiner sonstigen Freizeit organisiert er LARPs für Ziegen1), erfindet automatische Füttermaschinen für seine Katzen und sammelt falsche Schnurrbärte.


Prof. Cramulus schreibt über seine eigene Entwicklung:

My dad warned me not to get involved with cults. No joke, this happened about 18 years ago. I was carrying a printout of the Principia Discordia and I was trying to tell him how cool it was, and he brushed me off and told me not to join cults.

I would go through the occult phase of being a chaos mage, firing off sigils, communicating with the Godhead, fancying myself a wizard. Years later I would receive a well-needed slap in the face from other Discordians, and it would make realize how fucking silly all of that was, and how I was just coasting on a quicksand of magical thinking.

I would go through a preachy phase, an absurdist phase. I would spend seven years as an active poster at the principiadiscordia.com forums, becoming a moderator and community wrangler, and eventually step back out of exhaustion and frustration. I would start crazy art projects like Postergasm, Omgasm, the Erister Egg Hunt, and a magazine called Intermittens. I would work on a fascinating pamphlet called the Black Iron Prison. I would co-write the Chao te Ching, a Discordian book based on a Taoist book. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Discordianism, I would put together a book called the Et Cetera Discordia. I would post 500,000 dick jokes. I would get mad at myself, and others.

I would create the the @fractalcult which was half philosophy, half art project. I would fly out to Portland Oregon for Esozone and meet some Discordians and give them wacky stickers.

I would find myself having rented out a reputedly haunted house in Connecticut in order to host a Discordian party. People showed up from all over the US, and one guy from the Netherlands. The booze and pot was flowing. We laughed all weekend.

I would live in two different apartments styled as Discordian cabals - the OBNOXIOUS JERK CABAL in Stamford CT, and the Main Way Monastery and Waffle House, in Tarrytown NY. The Main Way would become its own little religion I followed for 4 years.Prof. Cramulus auf cramul.us


eristokratie/nokixel/cramulus.1549585807.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/02/08 01:30 von Bwana Honolulu